Sunday, October 19, 2008

This weeks workout & Food plan

This week I will be following the Weight Watcher CORE Plan. What CORE is basically it takes out the processed foods from your diet, and listerning to your satisfied signal. Historically, I have done very well on CORE, it is just getting through the detox of the junk. I don't use my extra points for ice cream and stuff. I will use it for PB and nuts. IF I do eat ice cream(low pt) I have to exercise.

This is what historically works for me, I just have to not slack. :)

Exercise Plan

Treadmill during lunch. 30 minutes interval/15 minutes Elliptical Machine

Evening-Ride my horse and do some no stirrup work

Treadmill during lunch. 30 minutes interval/15 minute spin bike

Treadmill during lunch. 30 minutes interval/15 minutes Elliptical Machine

Treadmill during lunch. 30 minutes interval/15 minute spin bike

Treadmill during lunch. 30 minutes interval/15 minutes Ellipitcal Machine


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