Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday - Sunday!

I am one of those people that loves to write out her feelings, thoughts, and so on. It helps me to figure out what I am thinking, and how to deal with negative. I can talk to my darling hubby(DH) about some things but he just doesn't get it. Not that there is anything wrong with him as a person but he has NEVER had a weight problem or food problem. He just stops drinking soda or something bad for him and he drops pounds. I can stop drinking soda and it makes no difference.

So today is the first day talking about this weight loss journey.

Today foodwise has not been bad. I got up this morning and hit the gym. It was a struggle getting out of bed when sounding like rice crispies in my joints. My archilles tendon has been so stiff lately since I upped my horse back riding time(training a horse), and upping my treadmill time. I came home and got the foster dog(CoCo) and took him to the dog park. He ran around like a fool, and I sat there shivering. Just to add more insult to injury for exercise I chased him and the other dogs around. Some was for exercise and some was to stay warm.

I had to meet someone at 12:30 at one of the local restaurants to get some paperwork for Coco's new family. It was in one of the greatest italian places in our little area. The smell was overwhelming me, and I did order something small for lunch. I didn't eat it right away, and told myself I would have it at home. I did actually do that part.

SO..they asked me to stay but I did decline. One of my mortal enemies would be there - Cake. OH Cake the delicious squishy yummy food. I got home ate lunch finally after not eating breakfast. ( I KNOW that is bad, it is not a regular thing) Just as I sat down to eat the Coco's new family called me to say they were ready. I told them I would be there around 2 pm because I needed to eat lunch.

So I took the sweet boy to his new family and they love him.

After I dropped him off I needed to get perscriptions filled at the pharmacy. My inner fat girl (IFG) was like saying yeah get some candy corn, it is fat free. My diva girl(dg) said and you just worked out at the gym for an hour, that *fat-free* candy will negate everything you did.

Background on diva girl and fat girl. Everyone who goes through the weight loss struggle has these inner girls. My DG is one that likes to wear nice expensive clothes and have them look nice. She doesn't like many trendy clothes but does like the low rise pants. DG doesn't have a lot of hip so the low rise look fairly good on her. DG likes to get her hair highlighted when it needs it, and will be social. DG will tell me to leave the house and go socialize.

Now IFG. She is the one that for most of my life has ruled the roost. She sat on DG through my teenage years and twenties. IFG would pipe up real quick when hubby would ask "Do you want ice cream"? YES let's get ice cream, and make sure it is Ben & Jerry's. IFG would say you don't need to hit the gym today, you are riding 3 horses tonight. IFG would say no your pants are getting to tight, they are just shrinking in the wash. IFG would say your riding coats just shrunk at the dry cleaners it has nothing to do with ice cream and no exercise. IFG would throw a tantrum in the middle of a grocery store because she wanted the super size pack of twizzlers.

There is one more inner personality called. Buff Fit Girl. This girl is the one that remains in hiding sometimes untill I start hitting the gym. IFG will get weaker as BFG gets stronger. BFG can take IFG down when I am feeling weak and not wanting to work out. Every week of exercise BFG gets a bit stronger, and IFG gets a bit weaker. Some weeks IFG gets stronger when dealing with pain, or being busy.

So I went to the library and read magazine. Cheap way to read the latest magazines, go to the library. So there is a cafe in there that has awesome cookies. Before IFG could even make a squeak diva girl is like diet coke and said your cookies are very good but I am on a diet and can't have them right now. IFG almost had a tantrum.

The next event today is feeding the horses, and cleaning some stallls. More exercise to be earned.

So Gym wise: 30 minutes treadmill. 5 minute warm up-3.5-3.8 mph. 10 minute intervals-3.8 - 4.4 mph. 5 minute rest interval-3.3-3.8 mph. 10 minute intervals-3.8 - 4.4 mph. Calories burned: 314 calories

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